Wednesday 4 July 2012

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Today of all days it seems appropriate to talk about the meaning of words. The word of today for theologians will be Ousia. The ‘God particle’ Higgs-boson has been found - the particle that lends mass to matter and holds the universe together. For years theologians have examined and debated the writing of the early Christian fathers about what the trinity and the world was made of or from – what substance/matter. The ancient Greek word for this matter was Ousia often translated into English as ‘substance’. However this is a travesty of the translation - and in the changes in the meaning of the word over hundreds of years. Today theology has been changed there is now a matter/substance that gave form to the world….. Can it be that the Higgs-boson is the matter that God is made of? Have we seen God? No probably not. Theologians will say that the word ‘Ousia’ did not actually state what it was supposed to… it did not get to the ‘essence’ the ‘essential nature’ that is God. The Higgs-boson will not convey the claims made by the early Christian fathers that the God – head (the trinity) is omnipotent, omniscient, all loving etc The particle is still not able to explain God or why evil exists.
Words are such bad purveyors of what they mean!  
Wittgenstein argued that the meaning of words comes from the function they perform within any given ‘language-game’. He rejected language having a direct connection to reality - he argued concepts do not need to be so clearly defined to be meaningful.
Is the Higgs boson real matter or a concept?

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog through your link on twitter. I'm enjoying it! - euadiamoniaLife
